This is the only picture I got from the dance competition. My battery died after the first shot!
This was taken as the girls were taking their places and about to begin. Doug is going to post a video of the dance once he figures out how to do it.
This was Pacific's first dance competition of the year. The team took 3rd place in the hip hop category. Yeah, Vikings! Taylor had a great time, it was lots of fun to see all the other teams. Though it turned out to be a really long day. Taylor had to be at the middle school at 7:30 a.m. for practice. Then on to the Skyview High School for makeup, costumes, and the competition. We didn't get home until 7:30 that night. Whew!
I had a great time! Sure it was a long day but at least I got to spend it with people that enjoy dancing as much as I do. Before we got on stage we all held hands and played the game where you squeeze each others hands to send all our energy through everybody. I had fun sitting in the stands watching all the dances and singing chants to cheer on everybody and show our spirit! After I was so tired I couldn't even keep my eyes open! But over all it was an amazing 1st competition! =) ~Taylor
Because I didn't have batteries at the competition, we took some pictures when we got home. Here are a few shots.